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The project’s main purpose is to evaluate the effects of management-relevant levels of anthropogenic disturbance on resource use and environmental impact of red deer.

We hypothesise that:

1) Tourism-related disturbance may alter habitat usage, time budgets and consequently foraging intensity of red deer.

2) Red deer maintain biodiverse short-sward grassland habitats which are refuges and breeding grounds for rare Lepidoptera species, more effectively than sheep.

3) Regular anthropogenic disturbances decrease the grazing intensity of red deer and, as such a less intensive grazing regime conducive for promoting suitable breeding habitat for rare Lepidoptera species can be established.

This work constitutes a PhD project. Expected outputs are a PhD thesis, several presentations at national and international conferences, a series of papers published in the peer-reviewed and popular literature, and information to help the owners of the Isle of Ulva decide on the future management of red deer and their habitat on the island


Together for Deer – New BDS strategy launched

Together for Deer – New BDS Strategy Launched

We unveiled our new strategy, “Together for Deer,”. The strategy emphasises evidence-based approaches and collaboration among stakeholders. It focuses on Ethics & Welfare, Education & Training, and Science & Research, aiming to establish BDS as a leading authority in deer welfare and management by 2030. “Together for Deer” aims to unite efforts in safeguarding deer welfare amid complex challenges.

BDS Launches First Drone Survey Thanks to Supportive Members

BDS Launches First Drone Survey Thanks to Supportive Members

We are thrilled to announce a groundbreaking moment for the BDS community: the successful launch of our first drone survey funded by last year’s award-winning Big Give campaign. This achievement has been made possible through the unwavering support and contributions of our dedicated members and supporters.

Responsible Deer Management: Clearing Up After DVCs and Grallochs

Responsible Deer Management Clear Up

This article stresses responsible deer management, especially in disposing of deer carcasses after incidents like Deer Vehicle Collisions (DVCs) and humane dispatch. It highlights the need to ensure public safety and sensitivity by properly handling carcasses and following best practices.

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